Wisdom needed

Daniel, Nicole and David Noort were again greatly blessed in Christ this past year. The ability to live out of His hand and being able to trust His guidance keeps them in a place of rest. They have absolutely no idea where they will be next year. The future is still uncertain. But their past experience with God gives them certainty for tomorrow. For now, they are focusing on the small steps forward.

In winter, many reserves in northern Ontario are only accessible via ice roads or by plane. Wherever Daniel and Nicole settle they will probably need a 4×4 vehicle. They were able to sell their baggage trailer for a decent price, and are now investing in a four-wheel drive.

For the last two weeks, Daniel has been busy converting their campervan to a 4×4. During partnership development, Daniel came to know a brother in the Lord who used to have a garage business. He took Daniel to a scrap yard and he was able to get a great deal on a Ford F250 pick-up front axle, rear axle and transfer case. It is not completely finished yet, but it is halfway.

Each month Daniel and Nicole visit a reserve two and a half hours north. They learn more and more about the culture and enjoy fellowship with the handful of Indigenous brothers and sisters in Christ. Pray for open doors.

David is currently in the middle of exams for this term. They are looking at the next steps for him after High School. Perhaps a course towards a degree in science.

They thank and praise the Lord for rest and peace in unclear times. Pray for wisdom in taking the next steps for both themselves and David, and for the continuation of partnership development.

Daniel and Nicole are grateful for your support through prayer!