Aaron and Amy Speitelsbach thank the Lord that Aaron got over his sore throat and is gaining strength again. They are also thankful for the Glarro man who is helping Aaron with revising and improving the first Bible lessons. This dear man has spent a lot of time in Aaron’s office, in spite of it being farming season right now.
The first three Bible lessons are just about ready to teach in Glarro! Pray for wisdom and good ideas, in how to prepare the next few Bible lessons, who teach fundamental truths why God created man, and what separated man from God.
There is a lot of computer and office work now; pray that they would have wisdom as to how God would have them invest their time, especially to discern how much time they should use to go out visiting and spending time with the people?
Pray that they continue to be encouraged and focused in their work.
They have three people from Germany visiting them right now. They will help to repair their well that has started to cave in. Pray for safety, as they will work next week in the well, at about 10m below ground level.