Two different worlds…

The contrast in Phil and Elin Henderson’s worlds always strikes them during this time of year. While Mozambique is sweltering under the summer sun, parts of the USA are cold, blanketed in snow. Different clothes, different homes, different weather, but the same Jesus that we celebrate. They are thankful that no matter where God has them, they can take this time of year to reflect on God becoming man and dwelling among us to save us and redeem us for His purposes!

They were able to spend time with their children over Christmas and visit Elin’s family.

Callie is working full-time now at Eagle Sky Christian Camp. She is also working hard on getting her driver’s license.

Elias finished off his first semester at College of the Ozarks. He has enjoyed his first term there and is settling in to life in Missouri.

This past month, Phil and one of his co-worker’s spent an intense ten days working on the second cycle of the curriculum project he has been helping to develop for the mission. He also taught a course on Folk Religion at the training centre where they are living. Phil appreciates the added time to interact with the students. They also enjoy having the students over to their home as well and learning together with them. Elin and Callie hosted a Christmas arts and crafts evening at their home just before Christmas for students and staff.

Elin is still working occasionally at the local hospital in the COVID infusion clinic. Her main reason in going back to work was to try to help make a difference in the COVID pandemic. She is thankful that God has opened this opportunity to help impact her community.

Elin was also invited to speak at the women’s Christmas event at their home church. It was a great time of mutual encouragement, sharing together about the ‘Path of Peace’.

Phil and Elin continue to move forward with plans to return to Mozambique to work among the Mwinika people in March. They hear from various people in the village from time to time. There have been several deaths over the past month, which is always saddening to them. Bible teaching in several outreaches continues although COVID restrictions have had an impact.

This next month Phil has a significant amount of travel for leadership and ministry-related meetings. They also hope to travel together to spend time with several churches during the next several months in New York, North Carolina and California.

• For safety in travel
• For Elias to have a good term of study
• For Callie to pass her driver’s test
• For the Mwinika people to continue to hear the truth of God’s Word and be transformed by it
• For God to open the doors for them to return to Mozambique in March including the purchase of tickets and COVID restrictions to lessen