Dan and Rachel Hulley first arrived in their village in North Wahgi almost twelve years ago, and they rejoice at the Lord’s faithfulness in bringing the light of the Gospel into the lives of people there.
One man listened to the Gospel message presented through the chronological Bible lessons but he still did not truly understand the way of salvation. Last year he went through the same Bible lessons again with their co-worker Levi and the Lord opened his heart to the truth. During these last few weeks, this man has been openly sharing his new understanding with the church. Please pray that he will continue to respond to the Holy Spirit’s direction in his life. His immediate family and extended family are still caught up in the old ways of living and that is a constant temptation for him as he lives among them. Pray that he will be a light to those around him and attract them to the truth with his life. Pray that his wife and kids will see a difference in his life and that will draw them to Christ too.
Since getting back to the village a couple of months ago Dan and Rachel noticed large numbers of people carrying containers up the road and heading for the bush. They discovered that there is a myth going around the whole of the Wahgi valley that there is a stream further up the mountain that is supposed to give life and healing to all who drink it. Pray for God-given opportunities to share the Gospel the true water of life with those who are thirsty and seeking truth. Many say they want to hear the Good News, but do not show any desire to actually engage with truth.
One area of life that is so hard for the believers to change is in their marriages. Therefore, they have invited believers to attend an eight-lesson marriage course to bring God’s truth to light in their day-to-day relationship context. They have been thrilled to hear different believers expressing their appreciation for the help and insight the course has given them in their marriages. Please pray that the believers’ marriages will be strengthened by the truths they have heard and that they will be living letters known and read by all the people in the community.
In January, Dan and Rachel finally made the transition from living on the NTM base in Goroka to returning back to their village in North Wahgi. It has been hard for them to say goodbye to Ben and leave him with another family there, but they know that he is really settled at the school and has a good number of Christian friends there. Pray for Ben to work hard over this next term, and finish the school year well.
Rachel continues to home school Georgia (year 8) and Rebekah (year 5) and they thank God for reliable internet access (slow but functional) that allows Georgia to continue her internet based school curriculum. Their co-workers the Lenz family have two home school helpers this year to school their children. Georgia and Rebekah have been able to join them for a lesson of music, PE and art each week. The Lenz family, along with their home school helpers, head back to the USA next month. Georgia and Rebekah will miss them; pray for them, as this will be another hard transition.
Dan and Rachel are thankful for their co-workers, their kids, and the fellowship that they enjoy in bringing the Gospel to the North Wahgi people.