Richard, Wendy, and children serve in Southeast Asia mainland. They made it back to their home in the village and got things cleaned up and sorted out after being away for over three months. They did not have to self-quarantine, but they did keep a low profile for the first couple of weeks. The children got back into the rhythm of school and Richard started back in on writing Bible lessons.
Before they went back to the U.S.A. it was becoming clear that Wendy’s mother, Gwen, was needing hip surgery. Recently the pain has been unbearable and keeping her awake at night. Richard needed to go to the city to renew paperwork, so they took the opportunity to look into hip surgery for Gwen.
They left the children with their co-workers and travelled to the capital city where they met up with Gwen.
The surgery and the follow up appointments went well and Gwen has now returned home. Please pray for Gwen as she settles in.
Praise the Lord for His faithfulness. Richard and Wendy are thankful that Stephan and Sandra were able to step in and care for their children during this time. They plan to be back together again very soon. Pray for them as they return to a more normal routine.