Jonathan and Dian Langhardt with Benaja and Lukas are doing well but are currently experiencing very crazy times!
The global virus crisis is a test of their faith. A lesson in frugality. But also a great opportunity to concentrate on family. A great challenge to be considerate of each other in love. In addition, a real chance to learn to appreciate life.
During those days their mobile phones never seemed to stop ringing, as so much about the training school had to be discussed with the staff and in part passed on to the students. All universities, schools and nurseries are temporarily closed. Lessons continue online for the time being. Despite everything, the students continue to learn and complete tasks as far as possible without leaving their dormitories. This situation is really very unusual and challenges everyone on campus.
As a team, they were also able to get some relief supplies such as rice, oil and eggs and distribute them to all campus residents, reducing the necessity to leave the campus.
Although Benaja and Lukas have been at home for almost three weeks, they are not bored yet.
February, was relatively normal for Jonathan, rather like the calm before the storm. He was able to teach Ephesians and Colossians, which went well. It was the second time he taught through these lessons. It was not without challenges either. At one point, he had an allergic reaction that resulted in a skin infection on his legs and arms, so he was out of action for a few days. However, the Lord gave grace and they successfully completed the subject.
Since the beginning of the year, Jonathan has been trained in financial accounting. The plan was that he would work alongside a colleague until the end of June. Unfortunately, this plan has changed due to the spread of the virus. His colleague has returned to Germany, so Jonathan’s job is to keep things going. Praise the Lord that there are various ways to continue the training despite the distance. He would appreciate your prayers!
Dian has been working with a colleague who is on another island, to revise their ongoing Bible lessons. The goal is to make the content of the proven method child-friendly. The material in their national language is still only available for adults. Unfortunately, Dian is finding it hard to get time to work on it just now. Pray that the Lord will give her strength and wisdom for this task!
Dian is very grateful to the Lord for the peace and joy that He gives to her heart during this unusual situation. She is happy for the many opportunities to take care of her family. Because their domestic help cannot work and Jonathan is currently teaching, she has a lot to do. She misses visiting friends and chatting with them so she has started to write cards and letters to the other women on campus. Sending mail to your neighbours, even though they are actually only a few meters away is strange but she enjoys it.
About a month ago, Dian started teaching a student how to do pre-school at home. Since her first child is preschool age, her family was looking for a solution. She is enthusiastic about it and very grateful because she had no previous experience. Dian is happy to help prepare the materials and explain to her how to do the exercises with her child. They are thankful to the Lord that the girl has made a lot of progress. Pray that she can continue to do the pre-schooling alone, as she can no longer go to Dian for advice.