New Testament Revision

Jim and Judy are NOT retired yet. Their new life and ministries in Sanford, Florida, USA have them very busy (in a good way). Jim splits his time between working in the kitchen of the Homes of Ethnos360 (aka NTM Retirement Homes) and working on Dom ministry related projects such as the revision of the Dom New Testament for a second, larger printing.

Covid, the virus that changed the world has affected all of us to one degree or another. Jim lost his father and a beloved brother-in-law to Covid-19 but both knew the Lord and are with Him now.

Jim enjoys working in the kitchen preparing meals for their retired fellow missionaries. It is an honour for them to serve these heroes of the ‘Great Commission’. Their daughter Heather works in the kitchen as well. Pray for answers to Heather’s health concerns. Judy is learning the ropes of working part time in the front office and assisting in the care of the elderly residents.

They have not heard a whole lot from the Dom. It is hard to get hold of the people on the phone. Jim and Judy’s co-workers have now left Papua New Guinea for good, and recently arrived back in Germany. Pray for them as they settle back into life in there, for closure, for peace, for direction.

Jim and Judy’s son, Darren and his small family are in Southeast Asia mainland adjusting and settling into the language and culture. They and their co-workers are looking to the Lord to one day evangelise and church plant in an ethnic language group within the country. Please pray for them as they face many challenges. They are about to begin language study and are moving into what will be their home for the next two years.

Jim has been diagnosed with sleep apnoea; he is constantly under rested, and goes through the day in much fatigue. Pray that this CPAP machine works well for him and helps with the extreme fatigue that he has had for a few years.

They would appreciate prayer for Judy’s parents as they begin the process of downsizing yet again to move into the independent part of the Latham centre. Her Mom is finding it harder and harder to cook meals and clean and her eyesight is deteriorating quickly.

Thank you so much for being part of the team by praying for Jim, Judy and the Dom people.