Working in hearts

Aaron and Amy Speitelsbach and co-workers Guy and Keyla had to postpone their teaching among the Glarro people of Liberia for one weekend, but then were able to teach twice on the following two weekends. The attendance varies and is quite up and down. They were encouraged last Sunday, as more people were present again. They have a few more lessons to share on Jesus’ teachings and then they get to His betrayal.

It is the main rainy season now. So far, they have had one long and heavy rain. However, there are more sunny days in between the rains.

Recently, Aaron had a stomach bug and was not feeling good for several days, but that seems to have passed now, and he is back to working full-time.

The local elementary school year has started. Amy has invited children to sign up for the Glarro literacy programme. A trip to the beach after graduation is a good incentive! Two Glarro ladies will teach the new class, while Amy is planning to oversee it and only to help out if needed.

There is still no resolution between the two villages regarding a land dispute. The court case is on going and will most likely be postponed for some months before it is continued and a verdict can be reached. Both villages believe they are in the right and are angry at one other.


– That the Glarro will take what they hear to heart and let the Holy Spirit do His work.

– That the missionary team stay spiritually strong and do not let the devil discourage or distract them from fellowship with their Father in heaven.


– For good weather the last two weekends so that they were able to teach as planned.

– That Aaron was able to get over whatever weird bug he had without needing further medical care.

Thank you for your prayers for the Glarro people and the missionary team!