Phil and Elin Henderson continue to hear from their Mwinika friends in Mozambique. They are always concerned for Elin’s health, which is very touching. Bible teaching continues to move forward with the five different believers’ groups meeting weekly. Pray for faithful attendance to the weekly meetings and for open hearts to the truths of God’s Word.
Also pray for continued open doors and open hearts for ongoing outreaches. The rains right now make outdoor meetings challenging.
Phil is planning to go to visit the Mwinika village in the last half of March.
Phil and Elin recently received word that the home in the USA will only be available for another month. Yet again, they are in a position of waiting on the LORD to open another option in a short period of time. This is further complicated with Elin’s chemo schedule that is taking a harder and harder toll on her body with each round. Please pray that God will open a new home up for them and give them grace and strength to make yet another move.
Pray for their children as they continue to study and grow. Callie is doing very well at Bible college. Elias is enjoying being back at school. It is a very intense term for him with heavy studies.
Phil continues to make occasional trips for different meetings. When he is home, he continues to push forward with his chronological curriculum project, Eternity to Eternity, and he hopes that it will be finished shortly.