Esme serves as a mission bookkeeper in West Africa. She gives thanks to the Lord that when she suddenly had to move house along with closing the books, the week went much more smoothly than she imagined possible!
She gives thanks for the kindness of her fellow teammates and friends who helped with the move and for the warm welcome she has received in her new (temporary) home.
Give thanks that she has continued opportunities to learn more about the rules of renting accommodation, even through difficult circumstances. Pray for her to have wisdom as to how to interact and negotiate with landlords in the future – in a way that is right and God honouring.
Pray for the missionaries in West Africa as they seek to serve Him together in unusual circumstances. Pray that they would be more understanding and gracious towards each other. Pray for their families and friends scattered across the world – it is hard for them not to be together with loved ones just now and for their loved ones too.
Give thanks for His peace in all of this…and for the opportunity Esmé has had have to be more in contact with friends, family and church family from home, due to them having more time on their hands.
Pray that the Lord will draw many across the world to know and trust Him through all that is going on. Pray for Esme’s walk with the Lord, that she would make time to spend with Him each day and not to be too distracted with other things which can easily take over.