Understanding the value of literacy

Kirk and Yolanda Rogers have been back in the village in West Africa since early April. There was a lot to do to clean and set up the house for human habitation. They also had some difficult technical difficulties regarding getting a good phone and Internet signal established again, and an office printer working. Currently, it can take a lot of time to do simple things on the Internet and they would rather spend it translating, teaching literacy, etc.

Kirk has been working with his language helper, making final edits to Romans, as well as working on other portions of Scripture. Pray that they can make good progress and have many Scriptures ready for a consultant check later this year.

Yolanda has been trying to teach literacy to a couple of students, but they have not been faithful to show up consistently. Pray they would better understand the value of literacy and make it more of a priority. A few of her former students continue to be interested in reading and they visit a few times a week to spend time reading. Some have read the books that Kirk and Yolanda have published several times, so Kirk is also working on getting more books edited and printed.

Two nights a week, Kirk is also teaching children the Bible. Pray the students would understand the message well, and its implications for their daily lives.

Both Kirk and Yolanda are in good health overall. They appreciate your prayers as they serve the Lord.