“God will let you walk into uncomfortable situations where all you can do is rely on Him. Do not be anxious. He’s about to show you He is faithful.
Countless such situations lie behind me – especially in the last year – be it leaving family and friends or restarting in a different culture, where you always ask yourself how to behave, language barriers, homesickness…”
This is the experience of a student who graduated from North Cotes College and is now serving in Southeast Asia.
She says, “Even if I often did not run straight to God, He was still faithful and guided me. He gave me new friends here and people who help me to break down the language and cultural barriers step by step.”
Since November, she and her colleague (a fellow student) have had another language assistant in addition to their previous language helper. She goes to the same church as them and is a great blessing in several ways. It is very helpful to have language helpers from different generations to get to know different ways of speaking and she has already become a good friend and a bridge to others in the church (the church has been online since April and so it is not easy to build relationships there).
With temperatures around 30 degrees, Christmas time was very different. Nevertheless, they were able to decorate their house and create a little bit of a Christmas atmosphere in a country where the meaning of Christmas does not matter to most of the people. As an opportunity to deepen their relationships, they baked Christmas cookies and distributed them to their neighbours and other people they knew. Christmas was spent with some friends from the team and it was very nice, but of course, they missed their families.
They are thankful for:
- two language helpers
- great neighbours
- teammates that have become friends
- little homesickness during the Christmas time and a nice Christmas with friends
- good health
You can pray for:
- neighbours who are unbelievers
- reopening of the church in person
- their walk with the Lord
- energy and perseverance in language learning