Treasure chest

After an encouraging and refreshing four-month home assignment Mark and Janet Case praise the Lord that they arrived back to Paraguay last month.

They received a warm welcome as most daily temperatures have been between 40°C – 43°C. However, they are enjoying reconnecting with their team here and getting caught up on their responsibilities.

Have you ever imagined having a treasure chest that you can pry open the lid and gaze on the incredible riches of gold, jewels, and gems of all kinds? The Bible is really like a chest full of treasures. Unfortunately for many people in Paraguay and around the world, there is no “Treasure Chest.” In other words, God’s Word has yet to be translated into their language. For some people groups, there is a Treasure Chest, but the lid seems tightly closed as there is no one to teach them, or they can’t read it for themselves. Or, there are only a few gems and coins in the bottom of the chest with much more of the Scriptures still needing to be translated.

In Paraguay, the mission is working on three different Bible translation projects.  Praise the Lord that the book of Romans was just completed in one of the languages and is currently being printed. Pray that these new treasures being made available to them will impact their lives and open their eyes to the truth. Another translation team is working on 2 Chronicles, and the other team is finishing up 2 Samuel. Pray that people will have the desire to read and study God’s Word in their own heart language and take advantage of these incredible treasures.

Praises and Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the upcoming field conference as the missionaries gather together for a week of fellowship, teaching from God’s Word, reflecting on what God has done this past year, and refocusing on what God has for us to do in this coming year.
  • Praise that Mark and Janet are feeling much better – they had a car accident whilst on home assignment. Janet is still dealing with some back and shoulder issues, but there is significant improvement.
  • Pray for safety in their upcoming travels. They have several road trips planned during the next couple of months.

Mark and Janet are thankful for your partnership through prayer.