Albert and Lynne Castelijn serve among the Banwaon people in the Philippines. They praise God that after working very long days Albert and his translation team completed the draft of John’s Gospel.
Following this they had a wonderful month back in Australia primarily spent with their son, Phillip and his wife and their beautiful grandson. They are so thankful both their mums (in their 80s) are doing well
and that they could spend time with them and help as they were able. Their son Stevie (19) is enjoying his gap year, working as a chef’s aide in a gorgeous beachside café ten minutes from where they live when in Australia. He is learning much about life, relationships and the dynamics of living as an adult in Australia after so many years in the Philippines.
During their current time back in the Philippines they are having Matthew’s Gospel consultant checked July 10-20. Pray for JJ the consultant as he has a heavy load of checking for them and others over the next few months in the Philippines. Pray for the Banwaon folk helping with the check – it is long hours for them. Pray for Albert – and for an excellent, accurate, God-honouring translation of Matthew.
Once the check of Matthew is complete, they would appreciate prayer as they move ahead with the next stages of checking John’s Gospel in preparation for the consultant check in November. This is the final New Testament book to be translated into the Banwaon language!
The Banwaon church is maturing and growing. Please pray for the believers and the church leadership to continue to grow in grace, wisdom, courage, and faithfulness.