Ragnar and Elizabeth Niclasen recently received good news from three areas where there are Kankanaey believers.
One believer, home from college for a few months, thought it would be a good opportunity to teach the Phase I Lessons to her older sister. She was a willing listener and recently expressed that she now understood that sin had separated her from God, but that His Son, Jesus Christ was willing to pay a heavy penalty at Calvary to bridge that gap. Praise Him!
In another area a man has also been in contact with them regarding the Bible Studies his wife has been teaching with her co-workers. When social distancing put that on hold, she began one with her father, and another one with the principle of the High School where she works. Ragnar and Elizabeth’s hearts are warmed seeing the continued interest to study and the desire this lady has in spreading the Good News to those around her.
They are not taken by surprise, yet it is still encouraging when they talk with one of the men that has helped them with the Bible lessons. He is either on his way to, or hiking home from teaching a new Bible study in his neighbourhood. Not only does he love to teach the lessons to those hearing them for the first time, but he is still very enthusiastic about being involved in developing lessons to help the believers mature in their walk with the Lord.
Bible teachers are asking for the Phase II lessons so they can continue with their eager students. Please join Ragnar and Elizabeth in praying that they would soon be able to go to the village for the final check so that before long the lessons can be in the hands of the enthusiastic teachers.