Wayne and Patsy Gibson value your prayers support for them, their family and the growing Piapoco Church in Colombia.
They are blessed to hear from the Piapoco people, especially those who are in ministry. Christian leaders are being summoned to teach believers and to teach the Gospel lessons in new villages to unbelievers. The work goes on, the Lord adds to the number of believers, and provides for the ministry trips and Bible materials to be printed out. Praise the Lord.
- Wayne continues to work on a commentary with for the book of John in Piapoco. He has had opportunities to speak locally and is leading a Bible study with a group of elderly missionaries at the Ethnos360 homes, Florida, where they now live. Patsy has enjoyed a Bible study in the book of Daniel with Wayne’s sister, who is currently staying with them, and other ladies, and she also appreciates times of prayer with family.
Thank you for praying.