The only Truth

Lourens and Marie Laureti and family were so thankful for the area missionary Conference 2020. Thankful they were able to face this new chapter TOGETHER. Thankful the breaking news of what normal life will look like from now on, happened in a time where they were fed God’s Word… it made the harsh announcement fall on them gently, as if in a daze, protected by more than just a facemask…

Recently, Marie found herself in the little supply store on the Islands, Papua New Guinea mission centre buying toilet paper. She was buying it because tears roll freely down her cheeks. She had been holding it back for a looooong time. Seeing all the other missionaries leave, was the last straw.

As Marie stood watching her friends piling into the cars, bound for the airport (for a repatriation flight) at that moment she felt left all alone, but it was not true… other missionaries are still, in the same boat with them… waiting for the storm to come, and to pass.

On top of this a young believing boy, a friend of theirs, died. Not from Covid, but from eating the liver of a poisonous fish! So sad… for Marie watching his mourning mum, breaks her heart.

The last few weeks have not been easy. Limitations are similar to the UK. In the land of the unexpected, things are fine one minute, and the next NOT. They can make sober predictions about what things will look like in the next month or so, so they have to prepare themselves for this, physically and mentally. At the same time, they have to live in the RIGHT NOW, do their tasks on the support centre, more tasks than usual since many people left.

Naomi was in school on the mainland. This school was closed, and the dorm…and she is back with them. Her school graciously provide them with a curriculum for the last term. This is not easy for Naomi. No goodbyes were said, no closure. Just an abrupt end. She is thankful that she has God, and can make these mind shifts with HIM…

Marlou and Liam continue with their home schooling, although Liam’s home-school helper, had to leave too. Marie cried many tears about this as Liam was doing so well with her help.

Madeleen continues to do well. South Africa is under lockdown too, so Marie’s parents decided to have her stay with them for a time. They are doing well and Lourens and Marie are thankful she can be with family in this time of uncertainty of how her parents are doing in PNG.

They have to do school, be mum and dad, and good co-workers. They must be missionaries and representatives of Christ still in PNG.

They do all of this, but in this busyness, they constantly have to remind themselves of TRUTH. The only TRUTH in these times are God, who and what HE is. They have to constantly flee to His WORD and hide in there. Please pray that they will be faithful in doing this. Pray for wisdom for them, on how to interact with the ones they came to serve… how to interact in the midst of a pandemic. Pray that they will be fearless, but careful… pray that they will be content in this new normal life. Pray that they will stay healthy, and the PNG nationals around them too. Pray that PEACE will reign, in their hearts but also in life around them.

Thank you for all prayers.