The Lord directs our steps

Alessandro and Chantal Parrillo plan to stay in Canada for another school year. However, rather than remaining near the mission centre, they are excited to be moving closer to family, friends, and several of their supporting churches. Although their children are excited to be moving near family, they will be leaving behind friends, their school, and a beautiful property providing hours of fun. Pray for them as they adjust to a new situation and a new school in the autumn.

They will continue to assist the K…… missionary team, as they are able, by writing and sending out Bible-teaching updates so people will be informed and pray etc. They will also be seeking opportunities in the area they live to make known the need to bring God’s message to those who have not yet heard. Part of that will include preparing French mission resources.

Their priority is still to see Chantal completely recovered from her burnout and find some good, sustainable solutions for staying healthy. They will need much wisdom not to take on too much, so as not to sabotage her full recovery.

The future is still unknown to them. They are waiting for God to show them clearly, what He desires, whether that be returning to the village or serving Him elsewhere. Pray that God will make it clear.

Alessandro and Chantal are so excited that the Bible-teaching has begun among the K…… people! They are praising God for what He is doing in the people’s hearts as He draws them to Himself.

Pray for:

  • Their upcoming move – there is lots of sorting, packing and cleaning to do as they prepare to move in July as well as setting up and settling into their new home. Chantal’s parents will be moving to a one-bedroom ground floor apartment so that they can use the top three-bedroom apartment, so pray for them as well!
  • Their new ministry – that God will open doors and give direction. For wisdom in knowing how much to take on.
  • Chantal’s health – for her full recovery. She is having surgery mid-June to clear obstructions in her nasal passageway.

Thank you for your prayers!