It is hard to settle into a place when you are constantly on the move. When Pete and Liesl Hypki, with Kester, Cana and Salem, agreed to move to Chihuahua, they did so with the plan to continue to support the Nahuatl work itinerantly. Six months have passed since they moved to the city. Their house feels more and more like their home, and they are starting to find it easier to get around without a map.
They have also kept busy, spending only a couple weeks in the past two months in their home. In April, they had the privilege and joy to spend two weeks with Liesl’s family in Alabama, making up for a family vacation cancelled by the pandemic last year.
Then, in May, they returned to the village for a couple weeks. It was encouraging for them to be back with their team, to spend time with the Nahuatl church, and to visit old friends. Pete had the opportunity to teach six times during their two weeks there, and they prepared their village house for the coming rainy season. They were encouraged to hear how the work was going, of progress on the translation of Philippians and 1 Timothy – now almost ready for print; of ongoing teaching with the youth group; and of the growth of the believers and their willingness to begin to take on more ownership in the church.
Upon returning home, they had two weeks to settle back into life and work before Pete headed to visit a family who are church planting among an indigenous group. Pray for encouragement and direction in the work there, and for God’s care over Liesl and the kids back in Chihuahua. A week after Pete returns, their family will move cities to the mission guest house for a week while the guesthouse manager and his family take a summer break.
Praise God with them, too, for the growth of the Nahuatl church. Pray for God’s provision for the ongoing work – for translation checks, for teaching, and for the believers to remain strong and grow in their faith.
Pray for Pete as he continues to grow and learn the role of field chairman and for Liesl as she takes on the role of Mexico field secretary. Pray that they continue to adjust to life in town, and that they would find their identity not in what they do but who He has made them to be, and that they would lead their children and their ministries well.
Pete, Liesl and family are deeply grateful for your prayers as they work to see the least-reached in Mexico come to know Christ.