The Final Hurdle

Lord willing, during the month of February, the last book of the Loron New Testament will be given a final thorough check by a Bible translation consultant.

Over the past few months the Loron Bible translation team has been working earnestly on the book of Revelation, doing detailed content and comprehension checks, and combing through the grammar, spelling and punctuation, adjusting and correcting the text where necessary.

Please be praying for the translation team over the next few weeks as they complete this final phase of checks on the final book of the New Testament. What a thrilling time!

Pray for the Loron church elder, evangelist and Bible teacher who recently had an accident on his motorcycle and broke a rib. Praise the Lord he was not more seriously injured. Pray that his injury will heal quickly.

Earlier this month a Loron believer had a rash on his body, so he went to a local clinic for treatment. They gave him an injection, but sadly, he had a reaction to the medicine and died almost immediately. He had not been unwell previously, so it was a huge shock to the community. Please pray for his wife and their four children.