Recently Pete Hypki joined a church development and consultant trainer on four trips to church planting works in Mexico to help those teams assess their works, and for Pete to train as a church planting consultant.
As they began consulting these teams, they started virtually every conversation talking about the big picture of what God is doing. They would ask the teams, “What is God asking you to do to faithfully fulfil that task among the unreached or least-reached people group you are serving? What is He already doing? What do you need to do to be faithful?”
Pete shares… ‘One of the fun but necessary aspects of consulting is asking yourself the same questions you ask the teams you consult.’ So Pete found himself asking himself the same questions, “How does the big picture of what God is doing apply to what I am doing? What do I need to do to be faithful?”
It is a poignant question to ask, especially considering that one week after returning from these consultant trips, Pete and family travelled to the Ethnos360 Training centre in Missouri, where they had the opportunity to share about the needs and works in Mexico with missionaries in training. Pete also spoke at their sending church. They saw family and collected winter clothes out of storage, as they are no longer living in a tropical tribal location.
Their time at the training centre was for the purpose of recruiting more ambassadors of Christ to share the reason for the hope they have with the least-reached in Mexico, that they too might enter into fellowship with the Father. Their time sharing with their sending church was because they deeply believe that their role in Mexico is simply fulfilling the purpose God has given them. They are sent by the body of Christ to serve the body of Christ and to grow the body of Christ, so it is a good and right thing to submit themselves and their service to those who send them out to do that work.
Pete says… ‘It was a deep privilege to connect both with the church and with missionaries in training these past two weeks. But it is also a deep privilege to continue to serve our fellow missionaries in Mexico and the churches they work in as well, to in some small way play our part in the big picture of what God is doing here for His glory.