On Sunday, November 24, the Northern Tepehuán were given something much better than earthly bread; the heavenly Word of God in their own language! Kevin and Wendy Case began working with this people group in the mountains of Mexico in 1979. Now, 40 years later, and many, many hours of translating and checking, the entire New Testament in the Tepehuán language has been published, publically “dedicated” and presented to the people. Many missionaries have contributed to this work and some are still serving among the Tepehuán people. It is an exciting time and many gathered to rejoice in this exciting event.
Pray that many Tepehuán people will be encouraged to read the Bible in their own language and learn of the Saviour who died for them and rose again to bring them new life. God’s Word is powerful and His promise in Isaiah 55:11 is true – So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.