Although it has been a challenging season Simon, Annika, and family are on their own as a single unit with the Mengen church family – isolated. They are thankful for those who support and encourage them.
It has also been a season to refocus. As they church plant amongst the Mengen people, they have been, and are going through a tough season of dealing with sin and a lukewarm spirit that has crept into the church over a number of years. Pray for the church through this season that weak hands and lame knees will be strengthened, healing will be real and the straight paths of the Lord followed. There is so much potential for the Mengen church and much work for them to do amongst the many unreached Mengen people; some eight to ten thousand still waiting for the Good News. Pray that the Lord would work in their hearts and bring about a deep desire to walk with Him and allow Him to change their lives.
A former Mengen Bible teacher, who fell into sin and has been outside of fellowship for over one-and-a-half years, has admitted his wrong. He is now back in fellowship with the church.
Home schooling is going well. Annika really enjoys teaching the kids but it of course does limit the time she has available for meeting with the ladies in the village. Pray for them as they continue with school and for home school helpers for next school year (August 2021- May 2022). They now have four kids in school. They need to take a trip to get Karis heart check-up, possibly needing to go to Australia if restrictions lift.
For the past weeks, they have not been able to travel back to the Mengen church, as they are located in a different province than where they are right now at the support centre. However, they have been able to help the new missionary families as they arrived. Pray for the new missionaries as they form teams and decide where they will take the Gospel. Pray for their team mates at the support centre too; pray for energy and faithfulness in the work.
They are going back into the Mengen village next week.
Pray for Simon and Annika as they get back into discipleship, lesson writing for Sunday services, youth work and the weekly church training. Pray for wisdom and unity as they go back to help shepherd the church.
Pray for wisdom as they are working on developing and expanding the post literacy programme. They desire to help their readers to work towards better comprehension, summarising, applying and eventually creating their own teaching from God’s precious Word. They seek to equip every individual with the tools to study Gods Word and enter into a deep personal meaningful relationship with God. Pray for the youth group to follow hard after God, and to see themselves as part of God’s plan.