Ten commandments

Last weekend Aaron and Amy Speitelsbach who serve among the Glarro people in Liberia, got rained out on Saturday evening when it was time to teach the Bible lesson. And on Sunday, there was an emergency meeting of the elders due to some news that had reached them just an hour before the teaching was due to start. Therefore, it was decided that the lesson should be postponed until this coming weekend. (They were able to teach the previous weekend as planned.)

The next lessons will be the second half of the ten commandments, and the golden calf. Although their co-worker, Guy, and his family will be returning to the village from their break in Monrovia this week, Aaron might be teaching those lessons, as he already has them prepared.

Sadly, the firstborn child of the lady that Aaron took to the hospital a couple of weeks ago has died. Another reminder of how fragile life can be and that the Glarro people need God.

They are still working on editing lessons so that they stay ahead and are ready for when they need them. Sometimes that is tiresome, especially when concentration is waning off in the afternoon, and people visit to say hello. Recently Aaron felt like he was not able to work with Patrick, his Glarro language helper, for more than ten consecutive minutes before the next interruption came.

They thank God:

– That He is in control.

– For feeding them with His Word and lifting their spirits.

Please pray:

– For ideas for engaging with people and inviting them back to hearing God’s Word.

– That the Glarro people will come back to the teaching after this past weekend’s break.

– That the people will start to ‘own’ their sins instead of finding excuses for them when they hear about the ten commandments.

Thank you for your prayers for the missionary team and the Glarro people!