Temporary role shift

Christopher and Lilli Meyer’s role during their home assignment in Germany has shifted. The projects Christopher was working on for the Kaze ministry where they serve in Papua New Guinea are completed for now. Two months ago, they started to get involved with Ethnos360 Germany helping with online missionary training. This two-year course gives people who want to get prepared for missionary work the opportunity to do the training while continuing to work in their jobs, be involved in their churches, etc. Almost everything is done online: The students watch the video lessons online and have to write assignments. Every other week there is an online meeting with all students and each student individually has a monthly meeting with one of the staff members. That gives them the opportunity to ask questions, talk about challenges and future plans. Two or three times a year staff and students get together at the German headquarters for an “intensive weekend”. Christopher and Lilli had the opportunity to participate in one last month and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a real blessing for them to meet the nine students face-to-face. The focus of the weekend was on the practicalities of learning a new language. Lilli was involved in teaching some phonetics lessons and absolutely loved it! They were greatly encouraged to see how the students benefited from this teaching after having gone through the classes online.

Christopher has primarily familiarised himself with the existing online course over the past few weeks and will help to revise some modules over the coming months.

For some months, their return to PNG with their daughter Linda’s current situation (her next ear surgery is scheduled for the beginning of 2025) seemed to be quite questionable. And while they still don’t have a definite answer, but having been in touch with ENT specialists, they are quite optimistic that they will be able to return to PNG next year. There doesn’t appear to be any fundamental reason why Linda couldn’t live in the tropics – provided that the radical cavity created during the last surgery can be regularly cleaned.

Until their return to PNG Christopher and Lilli are happy to help equip others for the big task of reaching more people with the Good News of Jesus. They are excited to both be working together in a team – they love it!

Christopher and Lilli receive regular news about the Kaze people from their co-workers Taylor and Abby. Taylor has been greatly encouraged by regular visits to the village. Their other co-workers Jon and Jen will soon return to PNG from their home assignment and live in the village again. Please pray for their good-byes and for settling back into life among the Kaze people after a whole year away.