Axel and Sandra Fachner with Tom and Lilly are so thankful for their last few months together with the Hostetters and Claasens as a team. It was a precious time; making lots of memories especially during the holidays. The kids had fun playing with each other and will miss the Claasen boys greatly. The Claasens with their three boys have now moved permanently to Goroka, where the boys will attend school. Pray for good transition for the family into their new home and roles.
The Pal church also had to go through their own emotions with seeing the Claasens leave. They will be greatly missed but also see that God has gone before them in preparing their next steps. The Classens plan on making regular trips back to Pal to visit.
Pray for their other co-workers, the Hostetter family as they have some health issues and are taking a well deserved break. Pray for a restful time for the family.
Pray that not much out of the ordinary will happen over the next few weeks. Last month there were several major medical emergencies that kept the team busy with caring for burnt wounds and the like. While they were able to handle this as a team they won’t be able to handle many emergency situations on their own.
Pray for Sandra as she home schools Tom. He is a fun-loving boy and loves to discover and learn new things but he absolutely despises writing. Now that he is in second grade writing is required in almost every subject, which pushes him to the limit every day. It is a constant struggle to motivate him enough to do his work. Please pray with them that he will learn to enjoy school again. Pray for Lilly too.
Axel is enjoying preparing lessons for Sunday and teaching them. As a church elder, he is responsible for a lot more than Sunday teaching and the regular meetings. Pray that he will continue to grow in his role as shepherd and elder of the church. His desire is to understand the heart of the people but he would appreciate prayer, as it does not come naturally to him to hang out and chat.
So the Lord stretches them all in areas that need it. May He be glorified through the struggles and the victories! Thank you again for doing the hard work of praying faithfully!