Wayne and Patsy Gibson thank the Lord for His provision for the two teams in September as they travelled to Piapoco villages in Colombia, and for the opportunities they had to teach and disciple. Team-one had a very long trip to the prairies, but were thankful for their time, and for those they were able to teach. Piapocos there had asked for teaching on Revelation, so the team took lesson books, commentaries on Revelation, and ten boxes of Piapoco New Testaments. The main group of leaders and other believers were taught. They enjoyed the time of fellowship and meeting Piapoco men who had a heart and ability to teach others. Ladies were taught on ‘The Woman´s Role in the Church’. They appreciated the teaching, especially as they have never had a Bible class just for women before.
Team-two visited and taught in several villages, but mainly spent time in two villages where the lesson series of Creation to Christ for believers was taught in order to ground the Christians on their position in Christ.
A study that Wayne had written up in Piapoco on Biblical principles was also taught from which the people benefitted greatly.
Piapoco Christian leaders in those two villages are burdened to teach the foundational lessons in nearby Piapoco communities.
A third team had another opportunity to teach upriver this month, so Wayne has been busy putting together more lesson books. The taught foundational lessons, and about twenty-two people said they placed their faith in the Lord Jesus. Praise the Lord. The team has made several trips upriver to teach the Creation to Christ series to unsaved Piapocos. They thank the Lord for a church elder who feels responsible to teach Piapocos in his area.
Team-one left for upriver this week, to teach believers, hold another class for the ladies in that village.
After months of restrictions, the women and Patsy have resumed the kids´ Bible class. Many of the children (thirty-six) have expressed faith in Christ. Pray for the Lord to continue to make the Gospel clear in their hearts, as they teach these precious kids.
Wayne is back to teaching the Bible class he left off a while ago, as the group is really wanting to attend again.
Thank you for praying for the ministry and for the outreaches. There is much interest in another Latin American country for good Bible teaching from Piapocos. Please pray for the Lord´s direction about sending a team there to begin teaching the Creation to Christ lessons, and eventually discipleship of believers.