Aaron and Amy Speitelsbach were excited that this February after many years of preparations, the Glarro people have started to hear the chronological Bible teaching. They teach on Saturday and Sunday evenings. On the first day they had a great turn out and about 200 people gathered to hear the introduction lesson to God’s message. The second evening they were rained out. Since they are meeting in the ‘open air’ they knew it was likely at some point but didn’t expect it to happen so soon, and during dry season. But God is great and He knows what He is doing. While they expected that this would put a damper on things, they were even more thankful that about the same number of people were back the next weekend.
Pray that God keeps stirring interest in the Glarro people’s hearts so that they keep attending, wanting to hear more.
Not all of their Bible lessons are ready to teach. They are trying to stay ahead and get them ready before they need them, but there are so many other things to do, it is hard to keep up. For example, there are a couple of Bible portions that also need to be translated. And since Lesley, who is the Bible translator, is thinking about retiring soon, it was decided that Aaron and Amy should ‘get their feet wet’ and translate these portions themselves.
Amy is still teaching afternoon literacy classes in the school. Fortunately, she has some help from a couple of ladies that she was able to train. One of Amy’s cousins and her husband took five months off work, to spend time with Aaron and Amy in the village last year, volunteering in the local school. They trained the teachers there and helped with many other things. Right before they left, they were able to put a Christmas programmeT together. Many came and were able to hear the children read and act out the Christmas story.
Aaron and Amy are blessed by their co-workers. Lesley has laboured faithfully to translate the Bible and the Burkheads have shared the workload of making Bible lessons. They also treasure and enjoy the fellowship with each other.
Thanking God:
– For bringing them to this point where they can start teaching His message to the Glarro.
– For a great start and high attendance for the first few Bible lessons.
– That He keeps encouraging the missionary team to trust Him.
– That Patrick, a local Glarro man, is working with them full time.
Please pray:
– That the people will continue to attend the teaching of God’s message.
– That they can find a way to minimise noise and distractions during the teaching.
– That the rain or sickness will not interfere with the meetings.
– For wisdom, how to spend their time among the many tasks.
– For the Glarro people, that what they hear from God’s Word, will speak to them, and prepare to trust and believe in Him!
Thank you for being a part of the ministry among the Glarro people in Liberia, West Africa.