It was not really a surprise, but still Regina did not see it coming – the airline that she booked with is not ready to fly to Senegal at the beginning of June, which means that she will stay in Germany for at least another month.
It also means Regina has to rethink and to decide how to spend her time in Germany. After talking to her co-worker, she has decided to do some French study, but she will also keep writing for the publications department and since visits are now allowed in Germany, she can also finally take the time to see people and say her good-byes. She is not discouraged at all! It just means that she has to be more flexible and make the best of the situation.
Recently Regina went through the letters of Romans and Ephesians with four Senegalese friends using the ‘Crosspaint’ videos and they were all very edified by it. Every day she shared one video with them. Her concern for the believers was that they were not getting enough healthy teaching. But she was also very encouraged by the study.
Please pray for the believers in Senegal; for their spiritual growth and comfort in the difficulties and disadvantages they experience as followers.
Regina’s flatmate has struggled with bugs in their apartment in Senegal, but after much prayer and help from different people, it seems that they have all vanished. Praise the Lord!
In addition, a Senegalese friend has safely delivered her baby and she wants to name her Regina.
Please pray for Regina’s friends in the North of Senegal as they are going through a difficult time because of the covid-19 restrictions.
Also pray that Regina can finally visit people and say proper goodbyes and for a good closure.