Reflecting on the last few months Geoff and Shannon Husa are so very thankful for how everything worked out. Geoff had surgery on his ear when they were on home assignment and all signs show that healing is still happening, just some discomfort here and there, but always improving overall. He is even starting to notice some of his hearing returning.
With the thumbs up from the doctor, they returned to PNG as planned in early August. Before their short trip to the USA, they were in a mad rush to move houses in PNG. This meant they only had time to pack and move everything over to the new house, but had no time to unpack or organise before leaving. All the unpacking is done now and they are mostly settled in their new house… for now.
Geoff has started lesson preparation and translation again. He has been working in Revelation on and off for just over two years now! Training church elders and lesson writing and teaching, as well as teaching a group of leaders how to study a text and write lessons, was the cause of some of the delay in finishing this book. Living in the new location, Geoff is finding he has to protect his time with increased vigour, as much more driving time is required. There are also other tasks expected of them in this new location. It is still early days, but they are trying to keep an open mind about how they can make things work over the long haul, to ensure Geoff can continue to devote himself full-time to seeing the Bible translation and lessons finished in Mibu.
They are also looking at their schedules and budget to determine when and with what frequency Geoff might be able to get into Mibu to spend time with folks there, work on translation and lesson tasks that cannot be done out in town, and to occasionally teach when new lesson material is ready. They thought that they might be going as a family during the next school break in a couple weeks, but it was just too last minute to work out the logistics. They may have to wait until March next year before they get another chance to go as a family. The kids have been asking when they can see their friends again. Meanwhile Geoff will have to plan some trips in there on his own again.
Thank you to all of you who partner with them in this ministry through prayer. They could not do it without you!