Good news from the Dom Christian community! A colleague of Jim and Judy Burdett in Papua New Guinea drove up to the Dom to see how the church there is doing. The report was encouraging. The men are continuing with the outreaches. More places are asking for teaching, but the guys are already stretched thin. Please pray for more Dom Christian men and women to step forward. The other exciting news is that the Christians from Jim and Judy’s original location (1982-1994) are working with the people from their current tribal location. They are working together along with some other church leaders from other related languages to continue with these outreaches.
Their partners, Gerolf and Mailis Wuest and boys, are planning to return to PNG from their home assignment mid-January. Please pray for them during their last days, saying goodbyes, packing, traveling, arriving, getting supplies, adjusting back to being in PNG and then getting to Dom and all the unpacking and getting back into a routine.
Jim and Judy’s plans are to continue traveling around the USA next year, visiting family and friends speaking in churches, seeing supporters etc. They also have a goal to revise and format the paperback edition of the Dom New Testament in order to reprint it in hardback next year.
Pray for their daughter Heather who also serves with Ethnos360 and has had some health issues. She has been able to get some help but needs further healing. It has been a rough five months. Pray that she will have wisdom as to how to finish out the school year.
Thank you so much for praying for Jim and Judy and the Dom work. God is at work amongst the Dom.