Aaron and Amy Speitelsbach were recently busy teaching and preaching at their home church’s retreat/camp in the USA. They had a great time, and they thank the Lord that they could attend as they are on home assignment.
Amy has recovered really well from her surgery, but still needs to avoid rigorous activities.
The last few days have been at a slower pace. Aaron was helping his brother-in-law with electrical work on his house that he is building. Amy has put some time into analysing the Glarro language for some advanced language features.
They have filled a second 55-gallon barrel with books and some clothes and shoes. It got really heavy, thanks to all those who contributed and donated books! They will send it off as soon as they can.
Their co-workers, the Burkheads, were scheduled to fly out of Liberia to the USA at the weekend. Their last two flights they had booked to the USA were cancelled. Pray that they will be able to arrive in the USA safely this time. A team meeting with the Burkheads, Lesley and their leadership is scheduled for this week. Pray that they can find good solutions as to how to continue best their work among the Glarro.
Aaron and Amy have booked a new flight to Europe to visit Aaron’s family. They will leave the USA early August and plan to leave from there for Liberia by the end of that month. They are thankful to the Lord for all the fellowship they have enjoyed with fellow believers during their time in the USA. Pray that they will make it to Aaron’s family without problems and for their goodbyes on the American side of the ocean.
Thank you for your prayers for Aaron, Amy, and the Glarro in Liberia, West Africa.