Shepherding the flock

Albert and Lynne Castelijn are thankful to all those that have been praying for their son Stevie. After years living in a Banwaon village in the Philippines, Stevie is adjusting to Australian culture and experiencing life in a public high school of almost 1000 students.

It is a little different to sitting at the kitchen table alone with a computer and piles of lessons for months on end before being helicoptered out for a few days with missionary friends in town.

God has been answering prayers. Albert and Lynne are so grateful. Please pray Stevie will make wise choices – and be a light for Christ in the school. Please pray for his new friend and the other Christian students and teachers at school.

Albert and Lynne are still finding their feet. It has been a long, intense seven years since they last lived in Australia. It takes time to adjust. They are thankful to be back to spend time with both their parents who live nearby, and be available to help where they can. Tenants looked after their house well while they were away.

They are keen to get back into Bible translation as Albert brought a backlog of work, things for which he does not need the help of his Banwaon translation team.

  • Pray that they will be wise in daily choices.
  • Pray for the Lord’s provision for their living expenses and repairs on their house.
  • Pray for rest and renewal.

They are thrilled to hear regularly from their Banwaon friends in the village whenever they get within signal range. They are doing well and recently organised and celebrated the annual harvest thanksgiving service and feast.

Please pray for the church leaders as they shepherd the flock there.

Pray that the church leaders along with the village chiefs who are believers will have grace, wisdom and courage to deal well with and stand firm against other religious influences.