
After a period of home assignment, Aaron and Amy Speitelsbach have settled back to life in the village in Liberia. It almost felt like they had never been gone. Things do not change much, or at least only at a crawling pace.

Aaron is back to working with his Glarro language helper that had previously been ill and is enjoying working with him on lessons. Aaron also had a talk with him about his spiritual situation. It seems he feels like he needs to be perfect before he can trust in Christ and be saved. Aaron was able to explain to him, that it is with the power of the Spirit that change comes, not by one’s own power and can be a process of growth with success and occasional failure.

Amy is back to teaching kids how to read and write, now in the afternoons, which eliminates the noise of neighbouring classes. She was wondering how many kids would show up since this is now outside the regular school hours. To their surprise, just about all who are of the education level Amy is focusing on are attending. Amy is teaching four days a week, and her biggest class has 21 kids. However, the difference is like night and day compared to previous attempts. Despite the afternoon heat, she is able to teach them much more efficiently and they are able to listen and learn.

A couple of weeks ago, new batteries for their solar system, and a few other things like school supplies and kids’ books that they shipped from the USA, arrived in Monrovia so they travelled 19 hours by car on rough roads to the capital city to pick them up.

Right after they returned to the village they had a visit from the mission leadership. For a while it was uncertain if this could go ahead, because MAF are not currently able to fly in Liberia causing their planned in country flight to be cancelled, however they were able to alter their plans and take a different route.

Aaron and Amy had been battling sore throats and low energy levels for weeks, but were finally able to overcome those.

They thank God:

– For an easy start back in the village.

– That the children are coming to the afternoon classes that Amy started.

–  For the work God has done in the life of Aaron’s language helper, and that he has a renewed enthusiasm to work with Aaron.

Pray for:

– For their health and an increase in stregth.

– For MAF’s license to be renewed, so they can serve hard to reach areas again.

Thank you for your prayers for Aaron, Amy and the Glarro people.