Second printing

Jim and Judy Burdett are now down to the last of the final proofing and formatting of the Dom New Testament for the second printing in hardback form. This is very exciting. They plan to print one thousand copies and have them shipped to the mission headquarters in Papua New Guinea. God willing, they both will fly to PNG and distribute these copies both to the Dom Christians and to unbelievers far and wide on the Dom mountain.

There would not have been a Dom New Testament without their dear Dom brother in Christ and co-worker in the ministry, who is a co-translator with them. He is also involved in many ministries both among his own people and among other tribes. Please pray for him that the Lord will strengthen him and that he will continue to grow in grace. There is another ministry called Rock International that has written a book called King of Glory, a creation to Christ presentation in pictures and narrative. It is a great tool for the Gospel. They have also put this into video, which has been translated into many world languages as well as the book itself. Their Dom brother has been working with a member of Rock International in PNG to provide the spoken narration in Tok Pisin (the common language of the country) for the video. God willing, this video will be seen around PNG particularly in the urban areas.

Judy’s parents, Tom and Corinne, who served the Lord in PNG for over sixty years have moved in with them. It is an honour and blessing for Jim, Judy and their daughter Heather, to be their caregivers in their retirement. Pray that Heather can find the mental strength to finish her counselling credentials. Her long-term desire is to return to PNG as a counsellor for the mission.

Life is a bit hectic for them but in a good way. Jim just turned sixty-five. Retirement is still a long way off and both he and Judy remain busy about the Lord’s work both here and for the Dom Church in PNG.