Thank you for praying for Aaron and Amy Speitelsbach as they finished their supply shopping, picked up their barrels with the books and other stuff and drove back to the Glarro village.
It had been raining and some vehicles were stuck on the road, so it took them longer than expected. After 18 hours in the car, at about 11pm, when they had about 45 minutes left to the village, they came to an impassable place where a bridge was being repaired. They turned around and drove another hour and a half to their friends in the nearest town, where they spent a couple of days until the bridge was finished. They are thankful for their hospitality and making room for them in the middle of the night and that they made it back safely.
Aaron says “Getting back into a routine in the village proved to be a bit more difficult this time, the lack of privacy and quietness, and needs of the people does not make it easy. Thankfully, God does not give up on us, nor on the Glarro people.“
Amy is back to teaching reading at the school. She too is trying to get her feet back on the ground, so that she can make progress with her various jobs.
Aaron will concentrate on working on Bible lessons again this week.
Amy’s Dad is back from the hospital where he was being treated for Covid and pneumonia. He still has to slowly recover from his pneumonia. They are glad that some whatsapp calls actually can make it through despite the slow internet connection in the village, and they are able to keep in touch.
Pray that God will give Aaron and Amy the love for the people and the patience and strength to work among the Glarro people. Also, that they will look to God for comfort, joy and help in all circumstances and that their labour will result in God being glorified.
Thank you for your prayers for them and the Glarro.