Roller coaster

Life has felt like a roller coaster for Philip and Natalie Hansen and family, but they have seen God’s goodness and faithfulness through it all. He is both Guide and Creator and holds everything in His hands. They are so thankful, by God’s grace to be back in Kovol, Papua New Guinea.

Their twins born in Germany earlier this year are developing well. Initial health concerns have diminished as they have continued to grow. Natalie had Pericarditis (an infection of the sack-like tissue surrounding the heart) in the summer months, which she seems to have recovered from now. There is lasting damage to the heart, and it needs to be checked up on yearly and she is on medication for her heart. She will need to fly to Australia for the check-ups while in PNG. She still experiences minor symptoms (especially when exhausted). Natalie’s health delayed their return.

They praise God for their two home school helpers Milena and Paula who are teaching Louis 2nd grade and spend time with Timon in the mornings.

It was fun for them to meet up again with their co-workers the Stanleys. They have twins as well and they have been helping them get settled. The kids connected quickly with their son Oscar and are already having a lot of fun being together again. The Stous family is in the USA on home assignment. As a team there is still some conflict, and they would all appreciate prayer for that as they talk with mediators.

Philip and Natalie have still to finish learning the Kovol language but having just returned to the village there were some things to do on their house. Recently, Philip was with the people putting woven bamboo siding around the new room that they have had enclosed from their porch. (A couple of months ago, missionaries built the addition on their house for them).

Currently they are trying to figure out a good routine and schedule for their family that also allows Natalie to finish learning the Kovol language. It is a tiring job. Please pray for language helpers, Philip and Natalie’s motivation, that they can remember the things previously learnt, and progress quickly in the Kovol language.

They are extremely thankful for your prayers. The day is getting closer to when they will be able to teach the Kovol people from God’s Word in their own language, and they are excited to partner with you in that work.