Simon and Annika Flanagan with Nya, Noah, Karis, Judah and Ethan are still in Papua New Guinea.
They are currently at the support centre and are doing well. It is not possible for them to go back and visit their church planting work just now as the province where their church planting work is located is in lockdown. They are in contact with the church and try to keep them informed about the pandemic (as they are remote and have little information) and encouraged in the Lord.
Right now, they help at the support centre and will continue with some lesson writing and hope to get to the initial steps of revising some translation. Annika will be busy home schooling their kids as their home school helper returned home to Germany.
They have decided to remain in PNG for the time being as things are calm and their churches and leadership see no need for them to return. They desire to be a blessing to the church when they can; this is why God has called them. They want to assure you that they have made certain wise provisions and have contingencies in place to look after themselves if things take a turn for the worse.
That being said they are aware of the challenges that face a country like PNG if this pandemic spreads. Their hearts and minds are vulnerable to worry and anxiety just like yours. They worry about the worst happening but in the same breath, they trust that God has them in PNG for a purpose and that is to build His church. Simon and Annika believe these challenges ‘we’ are all facing can open previously closed doors for the Gospel! There is a battle to feed ‘our’ faith and not ‘our’ fears, but they are thankful to God for His grace and their brothers and sisters in Christ that are with them who are an encouragement.
Reasons to praise our Father:
- That they are safe and healthy but do have a cold that they would like to shake soon.
- For the encouragement of the church around them and from home. They value your prayers, messages, and those who share God’s Word.
- That they are well supplied, and can get food etc.
- That this pandemic is limited for the moment in PNG.
Fuel for your prayers:
- Pray for Simon and Annika to have continued peace and wisdom to make wise choices for the good of the church and their family.
- Pray for safety and good health – right now they have no medical evacuation options to Australia as they have closed their borders. With limited good medical options in the country, please pray for safety as accidents can happen.
- Pray for wisdom for the mission leadership as they assess the situation PNG wide.
- Pray for Nya, Noah, Karis, Judah and Ethan’s health and for peace as they filter all this virus news and see friends and families depart for home.
- Pray that they can get back into the village at some point. They would like to spend some time with the church, giving them lessons to be going on with etc. They also need to close up their house and get some important documents/clothes and supplies.
- Pray for a door to be opened for the Gospel amongst the lost in and surrounding the Mengen church.
- Pray for peace and calm in the country, and that there will be no civil unrest.
- Pray for continued provision. They now have to travel by helicopter as their airstrip is shut.
Thank you for standing with the Flanagan family in prayer! 2Cor 12:9