In recent months some of the young people at Esmé’s church in West Africa have made a profession of faith. In preparation for them to be baptised, teaching on baptism is taking place each Sunday, (during the first part of the service), which is also benefitting the whole church. Please pray for these young people, that they would stay close to the Lord and keep trusting Him, especially when tough times come. Pray for them as they prepare for baptism, and as they continue to grow in faith. Pray for those now meeting on a regular basis, who are perhaps young in their faith, or for whom the idea of baptism as a follower of Jesus Christ is completely new…pray for a good understanding of what Christian baptism is.
Pray for the elders as they try to address a difficult situation in the church. Pray for wisdom from the Lord. People need to have God’s Word in their own heart language, and to be able to read it for themselves. This is certainly a challenge for many of the women in the church, who struggle to read…please pray for them…and give thanks for elders who read their Bibles and seek to teach truth. May the Lord enable them to continue to depend on Him and His Word as they lead the church forward.
Since Esmé has served in West Africa, she has had renewed contact with many school friends, in addition to increased contact with other friends she has met over the years since. This is quite remarkable, since she is not on any social media, etc! Give thanks for the opportunity for Esmé to catch up with so many friends…but do pray for wisdom as she speaks to each one, and for opportunities to speak of the Saviour clearly and without embarrassment or awkwardness.
Pray for Esmé as she seeks to maintain contact with people in West Africa too, (believers and non-believers). Due to her hearing impairment, she really does not find telephone conversations easy, and does not enjoy making phone calls or answering them due to the number of times she asks people to repeat themselves! This is true no matter which language! But in West Africa, phone contact is hugely important, please pray for the Lord’s help in this.
Please continue to pray with Esmé about her future ministry. She would like to be serving in a people group, as part of a church planting team. There is a possibility of joining a team down in the south. Give thanks for the many helpful conversations and prayers, which have already taken place with Esmé‘s elders in the UK, mission leadership in West Africa and the team too.
Pray for a good and thorough handover of the bookkeeping/finances to her co-worker during the next few weeks. Esmé plans to return to the UK for a short period of home assignment in August. Pray for all that will involve. Also, pray for a quick diagnosis and good medical advice concerning recent health challenges…and a swift recovery. Pray for wisdom regarding medication…and that she would not react badly to new medications in future.
Esmé’s Mum is currently recovering from recent surgery. Pray for her and the family as they meet the needs arising from health limitations over these next few weeks.