
As we move into 2022, Jonathan and Heidi Bamford who serve among the Isnag people of the Philippines, are anticipating an interesting year and would appreciate your prayers.  First, in the coming week they plan to move to a new location. During the last two months, they have not been given permission to return to the village they have worked in for many years due to a peace and order situation there, so they are relocating to a place where they will have access to their translation helpers. Please pray for a safe transition and that they will be able to get good help and push the translation progress forward.

Pray for the Field Leadership team in 2022, that God will help them to know how to love and encourage each of their co-workers.

Also, pray for missionary candidates who are hoping to come to the Philippines. Please pray that they will be able to raise the necessary support and obtain permission to enter the country.

Jonathan and Heidi would appreciate your prayers for their family, especially their children back in the USA.  They are anticipating adding another name to their list of grandchildren this coming May.