Hot season this year has been long, hot and dry, tor Richard, Wendy and family, who serve in Southeast Asia mainland among the Pwo Karen, but they have recently been enjoying some refreshing rains that have cooled things down and brought life to the parched earth. At times, the work feels long, hot and dry, but they know that God is working and trust Him to bring His life to those in this spiritually barren part of the world. Pray for them to remain faithful and keep their eyes on Him.
Richard continues to get out and teach Bible lessons regularly. The elderly man with no Bible background continues to be interested. Richard is currently teaching him about God giving His law to the Israelites at Mt. Sinai. Pray that as he hears God’s righteous requirements, he will be convicted of his sin and understand that he needs the Promised Redeemer as his Saviour.
The other family that Richard was teaching have not been coming back from their field house on weekends, so Richard started going up to their field house to teach them there. His first few times teaching at the field house attracted a crowd from the community, so Richard started teaching from the beginning. Eventually the group dwindled down to just the original couple and another family, who profess to be Christians but have not had any teaching or understanding of God’s Word in their own language.
Recently the new family has moved to another field house in a different area, so now Richard is teaching the two families in two different locations on separate days. They are grateful that these two families continue to want to be taught. The new family has six children; five of them are still at home. They love to colour pictures while Richard teaches.
Pray for national friends who are having some legal issues, that these trials would point them to God. They profess to follow God as a result of Wendy’s Dad’s teaching many years ago and they would like to have a more active role in teaching and discipling them.
Wendy will soon be making a trip to Ireland to visit her Mum and Aunt Betty. She will be away from home for about five weeks and plans to take her Mum to the northern part of Ireland and to England, where her Mum grew up. They are thankful for this special time that they will be able have together and the opportunity to meet up with many who have prayed for and supported the work in Southeast Asia mainland for many years. Pray for health and safety in their travels and the rest of the family back home in the village.