
Norman and Bobby Murphy have just arrived back in Thailand and they have been reflecting on their time in the UK.

It was a mix of both happy reunions and sad loss, extremely busy times but also frustrating delays. They are reminded, however, that it is God who is in control of all the circumstances of our lives.

Not long after they arrived home to Northern Ireland from Thailand Norman’s brother-in-law passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. They are thankful that they were able to visit his sister in England a number of times to help and support her.

Norman and Bobby were also able to visit their son and daughter and their families in British Columbia and Alberta, Canada. They had a wonderful time with them and enjoyed so much of the beauty of creation where they live.

As Norman and Bobby communicate continually with their co-workers in Southeast Asia there are many situations to work through together, both positive developments and those of a more challenging nature. One encouragement for them is the number of young people that they communicate with who are interested in, and are applying to serve in Asia. God is raising up new labourers for His harvest.

In July one of the leaders in the Bru church passed away after falling ill with a serious infection. Paw Pum was a quiet man but faithful in discipling younger men in the church. Norman and Bobby rejoice with him that he is now with his Saviour but he will be greatly missed by his family and fellow believers.

Norman had surgery several weeks ago which put back their return date. They were thankful to the Lord that they were granted a visa that will work well for them and that it came through quickly.

They  need to find housing as their previous place in Thailand is no longer available. Norman will be travelling again soon so please pray that they will find a suitable place as quickly as possible.

Paul’s conclusion at the end of chapter 15 of 1 Corinthians was this, “because there is victory over sin and the grave, and because the resurrection is sure, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labour is not in vain.”

Thank you for your part in Norman and Bobby’s lives and ministry through prayer. They are increasingly aware it is less about them and what they can do and all about what God is doing around them.