Seventeen years ago (23rd April) was a time that Ron and Michelle Jennings will never forget. It was the week Ron went in to have a quadruple by-pass. An unexpected surgery since he had not had a heart attack or anything, but they were home in Australia for a short period and he had a check up to make sure all was well. How they thank the Lord for revealing the problem in an amazing way and seventeen years later, he is still doing well and they continue to serve among the Higaunon people in the Philippines. They pray this will continue for many more years to come.
The Old Testament translation check is continuing well. They are practicing social distancing with their language helpers. Even using a microphone so that they can hear clearly from a distance. They have finished Isaiah and will now work on 1 and 2 Chronicles. Pray for their co-workers who are helping with the checking.
Pray for the government in the Philippines and the world over. They certainly need our prayers for wisdom as they walk through these very difficult times.
Thank you for continuing to pray for Ron and Michelle and the work among the Higaunon people.