Richard and Carmen Gappmayr are currently on home assignment in Austria. Richard is a CLA consultant for the Philippines. They praise God for a good home assignment. Their kids are doing well with home schooling. Lucas their eldest is still with them until the summer, as he was not able to travel back to Scotland to University. He will finish this school year online. They are enjoying their time together as a family.
Richard and Carmen are also thankful to be involved in their sending church in Vienna, even during a time of many restrictions.
Please pray for Richard and Carmen as they are trying to organise help and channel funds for the rebuilding of houses in Agdao/Davao, Philippines. About a month ago, a huge fire destroyed 450 houses. All of the families that Carmen has been doing Bible studies with and the affiliated church lost everything. Richard and Carmen are receiving funds from friends and churches in Germany and Austria toward rebuilding some 48 houses and a church building. Please pray for wisdom in distributing funds and for the people in Agdao to see the Lord’s faithfulness as He uses churches and individual Christians to help in this time of great need.