Rain, rain, rain

It is supposed to be dry season by now, but Bill and Kelley Housley are experiencing a lot of rain where they serve at Ramu Valley Academy in Papua New Guinea! Pray for some sunny days so that they can get things clean and dry again and finish off the floors on the building project on the new classrooms. Thankful in all this that the LORD is mightier…and good, and that they can trust Him rain or shine!

This month, they are excited to have Bill’s translation helper from the Itutang church and his wife out to help in translation again! They are thankful that they can continue to provide books of the Bible in the Inapang language for that first generation as they work with the second generation in bridging the gap to their government language and more biblical resources! They certainly count it a privilege to be part of what the Lord is doing in Papua New Guinea!

They also had a surprise visit at Ramu Valley Academy from the Deputy Secretary of the national Education Dept. of PNG. They had one hour to get ready for his visit and he was happy with what he found and encouraging to both staff and students. Bill and Kelley continue to thank the Lord for the contacts that God brings into their paths and pray that He will use them as networking for future relationships as the students grow and learn! They may seem like insignificant interactions, but the things that we take for granted in our home countries are no small gift for the RVA students.

RVA is a mentoring school, so one of Bill and Kelley’s greatest delights is to see the students growing in self-discipline and godliness.  They see growth every day in one way or another and it fuels their prayers for the Lord to use these students for His work in PNG! This week one of their boys wrote in his journal…

The students will return to their homes in July and they are already planning sermons and kids lessons and songs to help encourage the local churches in the Ramu Valley. Please pray for these students as they work with the local elders and community leaders. Pray that they would be wise and gracious and work under the local authority in a way that builds respect for them personally and for the ONE they represent. Bill and Kelley also find it a privilege to be a part of strengthening the local tribal churches in this way!

They will also be testing new students from the Ramu in July for the 2024 school year. Please pray for the next batch of learners. Pray that they will be young men and women who are ready and willing to learn and grow!

Bill and Kelley will be making a very short visit home to their sweet families in the USA. They are thrilled and excited about meeting their newest family member as well as their other grandchildren that grow up so fast whilst they are in PNG.

Pray for Bill and Kelley as they continue to grow in their walk with the Lord and their love for one another. It is their constant prayer that they will grow old gracefully for His glory.

Thank you for being part of the Inapang and RVA team through prayer.