
Jonathan and Dian Langhardt with Benaja and Lukas serve at the mission’s national training centre in Asia-Pacific. Classes resumed on the 13th January after the Christmas break. From January to May, Jonathan will be teaching three subjects: Ephesians, Colossians, and then two subjects that he has never taught. This is a total of nine weeks, in which it starts with the basics and then leads to a lot of practise, preaching God’s Word in a church planting context.

Administration is a part of Jonathan’s job description that so far he has not been involved in. However, at the beginning of the New Year, there was an urgent request from the mission management for him to take on a temporary position. The accounting task he will take on should be around 10% of his monthly working time and should not be that complicated. He will be part of a three-person team and will be in training for the next six months. Jonathan sees this request as God’s guidance and he is trusting in His help. Please pray for a good start to this task!

Dian’s sister became seriously ill over Christmas. Earlier this month Dian received the news that the situation was critical. The same morning tickets were booked and after two flights, Dian arrived at the hospital in the evening. The following morning, her sister passed away. As is the custom, she was buried the same morning.

Dian is so grateful for a whole list of things: that she arrived in time to say goodbye to her sister, who is now with Jesus and can really rest; God wonderfully took care of the family during these turbulent days; the funeral was a great opportunity to preach the Gospel; many people who might never have had an opportunity otherwise could clearly hear from Jesus and God graciously enabled Dian to travel back to campus after only a week!

Benaja and Lukas coped really well with the situation without their mum. The childcare in the morning and their household helper, who was ready to do additional work, were an incredible help. Please pray that God will continue to comfort Dian and her family

2019, held many blessings: Dian was able to attend meetings in the capital provided by the school education team for missionary children; buildings at the training centre were in need of renovation; there was a lack of classrooms, and insufficient laptops. But God, supplied a new projector and five laptops and a computer room for the students will soon be completed. Many doors were repaired during the year and one of the student dormitories finally got a new roof.

They are also thankful that Jonathan was able to renew his visa.