Progress on the hangar

Since 1976 New Tribes Mission Aviation (NTMA), previously Tribal Air and Communication (TAC), has served the field of Papua New Guinea, flying people and supplies in and out of remote tribal locations. The original hangar, built in 1985 for smaller Cessna planes, has only been able to house two of the three Kodiak airplanes for the field. This leaves one Kodiak outside all the time exposed to the weather. Now, with two R66 helicopters added to the fleet and a third on the way, there is even less space, increasing the risk of damage as the aircraft is moved in and out and limiting the space available for aircraft maintenance. To increase safety, security and efficiency, a new hangar for parking and storing the aircraft fleet is being constructed, while the original one next to it will continue to be used for aircraft maintenance.

This project is a long time in coming, with the first plans for a second hangar being made in 1994. The plans had multiple setbacks and attempts but were never fully approved. Finally, in late 2024, with the help of the Tech Services department, NTMA had all the approvals needed and construction was able to start. The Lord has provided finances and the people from all over the world, to see the project move forward. In addition to our own missionaries and citizen employees, volunteers from at least six other missions have contributed their skills, supplies, and service to the new hangar. Individuals and teams have also come or will be coming to PNG just to lend their expertise to the project. The Ethnos360 Aviation team in the US worked hard to secure donations for the new hangar.

Praise the Lord for His provision and pray for the team as they manage the challenges of such a long-term project. Pray that they would stay safe and well rested. Also pray for them to manage water drainage during the current rainy season, especially when pouring the concrete.

Pray that unexpected issues would be minimal so as not to increase expenses or create delays in completing the project. The plan is to have the frame finished by March and have the new hangar functional by mid-April.