Paul and Susan Boothby had a profitable trip to PNG over the summer. The books of 1 Corinthians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians and Revelation went through the final consultant checking process and were approved for printing and distribution. Bible lessons for Corinthians and Thessalonians have been completed and taught in the last year.
Lord willing, Paul and Susan will soon depart again for Papua New Guinea. They would appreciate your prayers for clear heads in all that still needs to be done, particularly getting supplies ordered for a quick move in to the village and leaving their house in the UK in order as well as goodbye time with family. One goal with the Lord’s help will be to prepare and teach lessons for the book of Revelation. The believers are looking forward to this teaching.
Recently Paul and Susan have again been humbled and encouraged as they have given reports and been a part of various meetings, and they are further reminded, of so many people who are involved in sending them out. They are grateful to you each one. For the faithful praying, generous giving, encouragements, and the NTM personnel who work in support roles this end and in PNG. They sincerely want to thank each one.
In addition, all praise to God who enables each of us and uses us weak frail human beings as co-labourers together for the spreading of the Gospel and establishing and building of His church.