Prayer changes things

At the end of last year, Albert and Lynne Castelijn left for the Philippines a week later than planned due to the welcome arrival of their grandson – they are now besotted grandparents! It was also their first international flight just the two of them, no kids, and learning what life is like now as empty nesters.

As they flew north to their archipelago home, Albert kept saying, “Yeah, it’s going to take a miracle to get everything done. I’ll probably have to make another trip back in January by myself to finish things off.”

However, supporters prayed, they prayed, and the Banwaon people prayed – and Albert and his team worked long, long hours.

They asked God to help them…

  • Complete the recording phase of the translation process
  • Complete the comprehension checking phase too

Here is how God answered…

Recording phase of Matthew complete

Comprehension checking phase of Matthew complete

God also helped them to…

Finalise Hebrews and Ephesians with the translation team

Print 100 copies of Mark, Hebrews and Ephesians which are now included in the ever expanding Banwaon New Testament

Give a one-day Revelation seminar going through chapters 8-13 with 30 Bible teachers

Continue mentorship of Banwaon church leadership as they work through some situations

Carry on with the oversight of construction of Banwaon Senior High School building

Resolve the few medical situations the clinic ladies were unable to handle

“Wow, wow and wow! Only God!“

That is not all! In His wonderful way, God enabled all this to be completed a day early so that they could fly to town with time to catch their breath and say hello to their wonderful colleagues before catching a bus to the coast, then flights to Manila and back to Sydney in time for Christmas with their Mums.

The Banwaon New Testament is now 76% complete.

THANK YOU for your partnership in the work God is doing amongst the Banwaon.