Philip and Natalie Hansen with Louis and Timon returned from Papua New Guinea, where they serve among the Kovol people, to Germany in November. In January God blessed them with twins. A boy and a girl, Manuel and Salome. They are always amazed at how God provides for them through the family of God. They are grateful to God for the many gifts, encouragement, prayers and much more.
They see how God is above everything and takes care of them even in the challenges. Natalie is currently in the process of getting an implant and a crown that will delay their departure. She was also diagnosed with leaky heart valves and will have to have regular check-ups (probably every two years in Australia). The twins’ hearts also still have a hole, which can be normal if it resolves before the end of their first year. Unfortunately, they cannot check this in PNG. Pray that it will be closed by September. Salome’s head needs to be kept an eye on too. Louis and Timon had difficulties with all the moving and new things. They are now more settled, but please pray for them in the adjustments ahead.
Sadly, some people died in Kovol and that hurts Philip and Natalie’s hearts a lot because they were lost without knowing the truth and died in fear. One man was a very close friend to Philip and a loyal language assistant. Their co-workers are continuing to make progress in the language. They hope that they can start translating the Bible soon (maybe at the end of the year, or next year). They will also begin creating a literacy programme for the Kovol people so that they can learn to read and write, and one day read the Bible themselves. Last week, consultants were in Kovol to advise the team on how best to proceed to create a literacy programme. The team needs to reach an agreement on how to create a Kovol orthography.
Philip and Natalie continue to make plans for their return to Papua New Guinea. They have tickets for September. In addition, they are currently getting to know two young ladies who are interested in flying to Kovol for six months to assist Louis and Timon in their schooling, so that Natalie will also get further in her Kovol language study and hopefully be able to complete it soon. Pray that God will make it clear to all sides if this is His will.
Their guiding verse is:
Zechariah 4:6b ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the Lord of hosts.
Philip and Natalie share that, “It is not us, but God who can do everything, who uses the weak to make His strength and greatness visible!”
Continue to pray for the Kovol people, that they will soon hear about God’s rescue plan!